Call for Papers

Journal of Asian Development Studies (JADS) is blind peer-reviewed international journal published quarterly in March, June, September, and December of every year. All the submitted research work has gone through a fast-track review process and requires four to six weeks for the review process. We accept quality research work in the fields of Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Demography, Gender Studies, Governance Issues, Social Issues, Political Science, International Relations, Business, Human Resource Management and all other issues regarding development at the national and international level. All submitted articles should be the original work of author and not under review for any other publication.

JADS editorial board takes a swift decision on every manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted after the blind peer review, then the author(s) will be informed within four to six weeks, and the article will be published in the next issue. A manuscript must be typed with 1.5-spaced, 12-font size in Times New Roman format and submitted electronically at

Title: A title should be precise, avoiding abbreviations and formulas.

Author names and affiliations: The author(s) full name(s) should be mentioned along with their position(s), affiliation(s), email(s), and fax number(s) of each author.

Abstract: The abstract must be based on the objectives of the research, methodology, major findings, and results. The abstract should not be less than 150 or more than 500 words.

Keywords: A maximum of 10 keywords will be provided for indexing indications.

JEL codes: JEL code(s) should be mentioned.

Main body: An introduction must contain a clear statement of the core issue, a relevant literature review, and the possible solution(s). Materials and methods should be explained clearly, as far as feasible, and must be cited. General methods in use should not be explained in detail. Table(s), equation(s), and diagram(s) should be placed in the right place with clarity in Word format. Findings and result interpretations should be presented precisely; moreover, simply state the conclusion(s) in a few lines at the end of the paper.

References: Please make sure that each reference cited in the manuscript is in APA style.