Exploring the Farmers' Perspectives and Challenges Regarding the Construction of Mirani Dam and Irrigation System: A Comprehensive Analysis of Mirani Dam, Pakistan
Agricultural Productivity, Irrigation Management, Food Security, PovertyAbstract
This research's main objective was to investigate farmers' perceptions and constraints regarding the Mirani dam's Right and Left Bank Canals in District Kech Balochistan, Pakistan. The study revealed that farmers' perceptions were categorized into two main groups: socioeconomic and environmental perceptions. According to the study's results, most respondents (100%) believed that the availability of on-farm and off-farm employment opportunities had increased. Additionally, nearly all farmers stated there had been improvements in marketing facilities, income, and consumption levels. However, some respondents doubted the dam's primary purpose and impact on the local environment. All respondents cited the lack of a warbands system and a water user association as major issues regarding constraints. Other significant challenges identified by the farmers included water losses during conveyance and application, the existence of Kacha water courses, and the absence of agricultural extension services. Water logging, salinity, improper maintenance of the central canal, and irrigation water theft were also highlighted as severe constraints affecting agricultural productivity in the study area. These findings shed light on the complex dynamics surrounding the region's water management and agricultural development.

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